
damn it!是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

damn it

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na.1网站屏蔽ed when you are annoyed about something

1.该死 come on。 拜托,得了……意思蛮多的 Damn it 该死 这个算脏字么…… how dare u 你 …

2.可恶 So what does it mean 所以这都是什么意思? Damn it 可恶! Kicking me down 想踢倒我? ...

3.该死的 my god 上帝啊 damn it 该死的 shit 狗屎 ...

4.他妈的 son of bitch 够娘养的 damn it 他妈的 Rubbish! 垃圾! ...

5.见鬼 dunderhead 笨蛋 damn it 见鬼,真糟糕 damn you 该死,混蛋(这是冲某人发火时说的) ...

6.真该死 ... overwhelm: 压倒 Damn it: 真该死 beach: 海滩 ...

7.太可恶 3. It's bullshit!( 胡说八道!屁话!) 4. Damn it!( 太可恶!) 7. Ditto!( 我也是!) ...


1."Damn it all, " he murmured, turning toward the door. "I knew that would happen. "“真该死,”他嘀咕着,朝门口走去。“我知道这事会发生的。”

2.Get off! Damn it, what the hell is the point of Wild Empathy if I can't get a horse off my friggin' chest? ?下来!该死,要是连让马从我胸口离开都做不到,还要野性认同干什么用??

3.In God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, the main character has a simple maxim: " God damn it, you've got to be kind. "在《上帝保佑你,罗斯维特先生》中,主人公有一句很简单的口头禅:“去他的,你得做好人!”

4.damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for a week. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol.你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈哈。

5.Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're going to pay for that.但丁:见鬼!你们这些家伙完全毁坏了我的店!我甚至还没来得及给他起名呢!你们要为此付出代价。

6.Rewrite: Damn it all, this is turning out to be a full time job, huh?改写:该死,这原来是一份全职工作啊?

7.Uther the Lightbringer: It was only a mirror image. Damn it, what are these cures up to?乌瑟尔。光明使者:这只是一个镜像。该死的,这些野兽究竟想要做什么?

8.Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I havent even named it yet! Youre going to pay for that.但丁:该死旳!伱们这些杂碎完全毁坏了我旳事务所!我还没能来得及给他命名呢!伱们得准备好为此付出相应旳代价。

9.Willetts savagely stubbed out his cigarette. " But, damn it, Jim, something stinks in this whole deal" .威利茨野蛮地踩熄了香烟。“可是,他妈的,吉米,在整个过程中有些事是糟透了——”

10.marine : " damn it iron hand , this was supposed to be a patrol mission , what the hell is going on . "陆战队员:“该死铁拳,这本来只是个巡逻任务,究竟还会发生什么!”